2014 Year In Review


Melzer Soap

Melzer Soap Works

Destroyed by fire Oct 2014 will likely be razed

Fulton Ave, 401 N - front (2010 Jul 13)

Steierer Saloon / Service Glass

Razed after a new metal warehouse replaced old brick store

Columbia St, 321 E (2011 Dec 30)

Geier Saloon / Lanhuck’s Bar

Demolished after a car hit the structure in March damaging the building

 Faultless Caster - office (2011 Dec 08) 2

Faultless Caster office

Razed June after busted water pipes flooded building

Fulton Boys

107 N Fulton and 101 N Fulton

Left structure partially demolished and right completely gone marks two historic Mesker buildings lost


Bullocks Tavern

Razed along with other buildings near Deaconess back in August likely for a parking lot


Other notable losses

Kessler house – 305 E Columbia
Old Mater Dei offices and homes along Harmony Way
Homes near St Joe and Delaware razed for CVS

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Greyhound Bus Station

Restoration well underway and blue panels are showing the old station’s beauty


Willard Library addtion

Victory garden in the rear of the lot is a tasteful addition to the historically-minded library


Sterling Brewery reuse

TBD but likely reuse for offices is an encouraging sign for an area in need of revitalization


Owen Block - detail (2010 Jan 18)

Owen Block

Fate is hanging by a thread for the old townhouses at Second and Chestnut

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